Build model in Ethos Simulator, move to your radio.

Today we're working on two great things. The first is the question I get all, the time, and I do mean all the time. Can I make a model in Ethos Simuator and move it to my radio? Sure thing! I know this is going to make a lot of people very happy. You will need to make sure that your transmitter and Ethos Simulator are on the same version. If they're not, it may not work.

So, what are we looking at here? I named the file FM DEMO in the transmitter. But at the bottom it's also called fm demo.bin.  In case you didn't catch it, it's lower case only.   This is the file we'll need to search for!

What you can do to save time is in Windows, go to File Explorer (Windows Key + F) go to the C drive, users, find your name or the account you use, and then enter the following information.
C:\Users\<user name>.  You'll want to go here to save some time, otherwise if you search your entire C drive you'll look through many thousands of windows files.  The file you're looking for is in the users/<User name> section.  


This is where you type fm demo.bin, and fairly quickly you'll find the file.

Find your USB drive that has the audio folder in it, find your models folder and drop the file here. Be sure you remember where you put it because you'll have to go search for it  in your transmitter. 

Turn on your radio and navigate to it!  

Bring your model files to Ethos Simulator

If you can bring the model file from the simulator, can you bring a model file from your transmitter to Ethos Suite?  Sure thing!

C:\Users\<user name>\.ethosX20S

This is where you'll most likely find the simulator.

This is where you'll find the model folder in Ethos simulator.

C:\Users\<user name>\.ethosX20S\models

Keep in mind you may have another simulator such as an X18, Twin Lite, whatever

Clone your transmitter

A guy at one of the places I fly at had his garage broken into, his Spektrum transmitter was stolen.  He told the story of losing 8 years worth of model setups, though he still has the planes. Ten minutes later someone new would show up and he would recount the story once again.  The cost of the transmitter isn't trivial, but the loss of your model  files and all your settings is worth more.

Ethos Suite has Model Manger built in. And though its not obvious by this name, it's where you can backup your models. They will be moved to your hard drive on your computer for safe keeping.

Someone offered me a good deal on an X20S and thus I have two of them now.  The new one was a good deal because there may be something wrong with it, though my techs couldn't find anything about it. I decided to put it work, flying my models,  I of course didn't want to go through and setup everything once again.  I did notice the micro SD card was a bit wonky.  I replaced the micro SD card with a new, better one.  16 gb was the smallest I could find at a moment's notice.  

This is how I replicated the first radio. I use a  free piece of compression software known as  7-Zip.  I went into file manager in Windows, selected everything in the drive.  This isn't a copy, it's an exact clone of the drive, including radio.bin file.  It created a zip file named and I moved it to my computer's desktop.  Then I copied it to the new drive and dropped it in. the empty microSD card.  I extracted the file, and a few minutes later I had the exact clone of my first transmitter.  Now, after re-calibrating the hardware it's ready to fly.  Perhaps out of paranoia, I will re-bind the receiver before I take the plane up for a flight. 


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