FrSky receiver names and what they mean
Let's make things a bit less confusing when it comes to FrSky receivers. Without jumping too deep into techno mumbo jumbo minutia let's clarify the lingo. We'll go by the newest first and work down. We won't dive too far back in ancient FrSky history. Digital transmission Everything has a number associated with it. To fully understand how the transmission of FrSky transmitters and receivers work you have to keep in mind that it's a digital transmission. The thing to keep in mind is that movie film was made up of what are single image fames on a film strip. The movies were 24 frames a second. That was enough to simulate action in reality. Your FrSky transmitter is similar. Many, many times a second it spits out information about the exact location, of each stick, switch, knob and slider, regardless if you're using them or not. Each of these positions is represented in a numerical value. The transmitter sends a ...